TD Consulting
Installing or Updating the Triple Gun

If you are interested in installing or updating the Triple Gun Offense – Tony DeMeo can be your personal consultant. We will come to your school and put on a 2 day instructional camp.
We will coach both your coaches AND players. We will spend 2 six hour days teaching your team in detail every technique, drill, and play to be successful with the Triple Gun Offense.
Every school that has had our 2 day camp has had a dramatic improvement the following year. Check out the testimonials on this website. We will teach you to run it the way we run it.
We will install the Gun Triple Option and any complimentary plays you choose. In addition, we’ll install the base passing game including the Quick Game and the Play Action Pass Game. Basically, you’ll get the core of the Triple Gun Offense in detail over the two days.
By us coming to your school, you save the cost of transporting your players and coaches to an overnight camp. In today’s world of tight budgets, our 2 Day Camp is the answer.
If you are interested please contact Tony DeMeo at 804-339-2842 or at Feel free to inquire about the various packages that are available.